Today is my moms birthday. She was born 03/28/1941. She left this earth on 03/23/2006. I would love to hear her voice just one more time. I miss her very much.
Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I cry missing her and others that have gone on before me. But, even though I sometimes cry, I am comforted with the knowledge that I have an eternity with those that were saved prior to their passing.
Praise the Lord, my mom was saved before her death and is, right now, rejoicing in heaven. I will see her again.
How do I know I’m going to heaven?
It’s simple, you see, this day in history holds 2 meanings for me.
Not only does my mom have a birthday on this day, but so do I tomorrow .
It will be my “SECOND BIRTH” birthday.
33 years old in the LORD.
I had spent years in open rebellion choosing to serve satan, sin and self but something miraculous happened 33 years ago. On March 29 th 1991,
I met the maker and ruler of the universe. The one that came from heaven to this sin cursed earth and lived a perfect sinless life, took the beatings, wore the crown of thorns and endured the cross. The one that died, was buried and rose again on the third day. The perfect sacrificial lamb whose precious blood would set free anyone that called.
I called………..he answered.
I received:
Unmeasurable mercy,
Amazing grace,
I was found,
My eyes were opened,
I became a new creature,
I was washed,
I was sealed,
I was given peace,
I was filled,
My name was written down,
I was made whole,
I was set free,
I received a new song,
I was lifted,
I was adopted,
I received a new citizenship,
I became an heir to a heavenly throne,
I was redeemed,
I was justified,
I was indwelt,
I was sanctified,
I received an advocate,
I became an ambassador,
I received an inheritance,
I was reconciled,
I was accepted,
I was baptized,
I was healed,
I was washed,
I was forgiven…and so much more.
I didn’t know about any of those things
the day I cried out to him.
All I knew, all I needed to know, was
I am a sinner and there is no hope outside of him
The precious Lamb of God
My Lord and Saviour
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Mar, 28, 2024
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