Monkey Business Finished
The little monkey is done. She’s all dressed up and ready to move to her new home though she’ll have to wait until her buddy is complete so they can travel together. It’s too dangerous for a little lady to take a trip like that alone.
I have a couple of alterations and an order for a cape to fit a miniature dog (?) that have to be delivered next week but as soon as they are completed I will get started on her travel companion. I can’t wait.
Oh and the back drop in the pictures of the monkey???? I had some custom fabric made recently.
So far I have 3 custom fabrics. The one shown above (and NO it is NOT supposed to be me lol) I may only use for business promotion. The other 2 designs are made using 2 of my original “doodles”. The colors are nicer than what they look like on my monitor. Shades of purple on one and shades of pink on the other. It’s good quality 100% cotton fabric and it washed really well. No running of streaking of the colors at all.
I’m not sure if I’m going to use the fabric to create original items for sell, if I’ll end up placing the fabric itself for sale or if I’ll do both. I have many ideas but I have to work out the details. I do want to tweak the design so the repeat is smoother.
- Posted by admin
- Posted in BLOG
- Aug, 30, 2017
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