Class Fee Clarification
I’ve had 2 inquiries regarding sewing/quilting lessons recently. One person was thrilled and ready to sign up. The other pretty rudely told me my fees were much too high and ridiculous.
I don’t take the rudeness personally as I’m sure they were simply frustrated and disappointed that they are unable to afford the classes but because of these 2 inquiries I do want to take a moment to post my fees again.
1 student….one on one instruction….$40.00 per 2 hour class
2 students….$20.00 per person per 2 hour class
3 students….$15.00 per person per 2 hour class
4 students….$12.00 per person per 2 hour class
5 or 6 students….$10.00 per person per 2 hour class
There are two reasons I lower my fees as the student to instructor ratio goes up.
1). I rent a room at a local recreation center and I have to cover the rental fee. More students paying makes it easier to cover the rental fee even if I lower the cost of the classes per student.
2). Less students per class means more personal attention that I am able to devote to each person and personal attention costs more no matter what you’re learning.
The different responses I get between other sewing/quilting instructors and some prospective students is somewhat humorous. The instructors always say I undercharge and many want-to-be students say I’m over priced.
I have researched the fees for private instruction in this area and they start at approx. $40.00 for a 60 minute class and go up from there. The average seems to be about $60.00 for 90 minutes. Basically I charge what I think is fair and understand completely that it is not doable or acceptable for some people.
Nothing is set in stone so don’t assume that you’ll never be able to afford the classes. Call me……let’s talk, maybe something can be worked out. 🙂
Before I close there’s one more thing I’d like to address:
Often I get asked if I ever teach in the students home. I do not because of my lung issues. I have asthma and chemical/environmental sensitivity. Animals, flowers, perfumes, colognes, body sprays, candles, room deodorants, laundry soap, cleaning supplies, cigarettes, smoke (from fireplaces), etc…..etc….etc. cause me to have a reaction, sometimes a severe reaction so, sadly, going into someones home is not an option for me. The rec center where I rent the room (and work 3 mornings a week) has a *no fragrance* policy that they enforce so as long as the student remembers not wear perfume or lotion on the day of the class everything is fine.
Also, the fees posted above are subject to change depending on the room rental fee so be sure to check with me for the current cost of classes.
I hope this clarifies things a little ………… remember, if you have any questions please, don’t hesitate to call me.
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Oct, 10, 2017
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