

Memories from 2017

For those that are familiar with facebook you know that memories show up of what you posted on that day over the years.  This morning MEMORIES of these PAST PROJECTS showed up so I decided to share them here:


The first picture is of a window pane quilt. It was sold the very first day I posted a few “working on it” type of pictures. I really like the way it turned out and would like to make others with bible verses on them. The verse (Ps 19:1) was done using glow in the dark thread. There are different companies that sell it but of all  that I tried the one that glowed the brightest and longest was from Superior Thread Company. It’s a 40 weight 3 ply polyester thread. I’ve used it on the  items pictured below with wonderful results:   the words on the window pane quilt, on the kitty quilt to highlight the stars the are already on the fabric and to create my own shooting stars in the sky, the images on a cape, mask and wrist bands for a little boy. All of them turned out well. The last picture is where I shined a pin light on four different places on my spool of NiteLite thread then snapped the picture in a dark room. See it really glows nicely.






Gotta run and attempt to get some rest (it’s 4am here) before my alarm goes off at 7 am for work.  Have a G R E A T  and remember to smile and be kind to all that you meet today. You never know what they are going through. 



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