Bee Purse/tote bag completed
I had a small amount of two bee themed fabrics in my stash that I originally planned on using for a quilt but instead I made 17 little bee themed card pouches for church. Of course, I forgot to get a picture of them before I took them in but I do have a couple cut out that I still haven’t completed so I can get a picture once they are assembled. Today I decided to use the other bee themed fabric that I had left to make a purse/tote bag.
It has 2 outside pockets, 10 inch handles, a couple of charms on a chain hanging from one of the handles and draw string ties on each side. The inside lining is made from the same solid beige fabric that you can see across the top of the purse that the drawstring goes through. I topstitched beehive shapes randomly on the fabric but it doesn’t show up very well in the picture. Even in person it’s there but subtle. The color looks grayed out in the pictures (?) but the fabric is BLACK. (I take horrible pictures)
Overall it turned out okay. Sort of cute though I really should have used the lint brush on it before I took the pictures. Opps.
I think I’ll complete one of the little pouches to go with the purse. I haven’t decided if I will keep it to use as a gift or if I’ll list it for sale. If you’re interested in purchasing it text me and let me know. 🙂
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Sep, 25, 2020
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