Bizzy Handz name is now being used by many 😕
For 20 plus years I’ve had a business license, website, pinterest, twitter, and linkedin account all under my DBA name of Bizzy Handz and now, all of a sudden, there are lots of businesses using the Bizzy Handz name! Some spell it a bit differently, some don’t, but now my business no longer pops up in the search engines like it used to. Instead all these other businesses do. I’m extremely frustrated to say the least. Business was slow but now it may become nonexistent.
From now on if you need to reach my website you will need to include my name to make sure you get to the correct site.
Post Tagged with#bizzyhandz, #frustrated, #IamBizzyHandz, #mybusinessname, #rhondaembs, #the REAL Bizzy Handz
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Feb, 04, 2023
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