I Find Myself Wondering …
How can I use the few things I am still able to do such as my sewing, my music, my drawing, my poetry, my card making, etc……….to bring more income into this house? I want to be able to pay my monthly bills. If my house was paid off and if the car I drive didn’t need so much work then things would be easier simply because I would need less income per month but that is not the case. I need to work and, due to my breathing issues, I need to be able to work from home.
Sometimes when I see how much money people raise online for some very foolish endeavors I think………I’ll just start a “go fund me” account and beg for what I need. Of course the thought passes as quickly as it comes because to even attempt to do so would definitely not be moral or right.
I am praying that the Lord gives wisdom and provides the opportunities. I know the economy is bad, I know I am limited due to my age, I know my health issues create even more limitations but I also know that
with God all things are possible!
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Sep, 05, 2020
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