It’s Saturday-Let’s Sew UPDATE
While dinner is cooking I thought it would be a good time to check in regarding what I’ve gotten done so far.
I finished all 3 dolly quilts, pillows and pillowcases. When I made the 1st pillow I used plain white fabric. On the 2 that I made today I used flannel fabric that has an infant print. That way if the pillow cases get misplaced or separated the pillows will look cute anyway.
hmmmmm looks like I should have pressed these before I took the pictures. HaHa… photos leave so much to be desired. Oh well, it gives you a general idea of how they look.
I spent approx. 1 hour on the large quilt I’m working on for someone else. It’s tedious and a bit frustrating so I break up the time I work on it.
I got all the pieces and parts cut out for the blue hedgehog.
After some research I found a stand for my tablet that isn’t too expensive and ordered it.
I decided on the final block for the Christmas quilt and have it sketched out but haven’t gone beyond that point yet.
I did laundry, made breakfast and now working on dinner.
I’ve put the 2 block-of-the-month blocks at the bottom of the list and doubt if I’ll get to them today. They are personal “want to’s” not orders, not classroom items or things for Bizzy Handz so there’s no rush.
I wish I was farther along than I am but, all in all, productivity hasn’t been too bad. I’m really glad I got the 3 dolly quilts, pillows and pillows cases completed. I like being able to check things off my list.
For now though, I’d better go check on dinner before it burns. I hope your day has been good so far and that the rest will be peaceful and blessed in every way.
Hugs to you all and……….
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Sep, 08, 2018
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