

Monkey Business-the Sequel

Oh NO!  surprised smilie with hands

 I made a mistake   and made a monkey using the wrong pattern–  I know you’re shocked right……lol!

Once I realized the error I got right on creating another monkey using the pattern that was actually requested.  I’m so glad I caught it before I shipped the first one. I would have felt so bad.

Anyway, the error was caught and I should have the correct monkey finished tomorrow.

Here’s a picture of the progress I made today on the “correct” little fellow.  I still have to stuff his legs, stitch up the opening where he’s stuffed,  sculpt his toes, sew down his tie and then he will be pretty much finished.  20170831_233808For tonight I’m done with my sewing though. I have other things that I need and want to do before I climb into bed.  Good night everyone. Sweet dreams!

sleeping smilie


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