Monkey Business-the Sequel
I made a mistake and made a monkey using the wrong pattern– I know you’re shocked right……lol!
Once I realized the error I got right on creating another monkey using the pattern that was actually requested. I’m so glad I caught it before I shipped the first one. I would have felt so bad.
Anyway, the error was caught and I should have the correct monkey finished tomorrow.
Here’s a picture of the progress I made today on the “correct” little fellow. I still have to stuff his legs, stitch up the opening where he’s stuffed, sculpt his toes, sew down his tie and then he will be pretty much finished. For tonight I’m done with my sewing though. I have other things that I need and want to do before I climb into bed. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams!
- Posted by admin
- Posted in BLOG
- Sep, 01, 2017
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