My Saturday so far…
For a short while today I worked on the “monster” pattern quilt I’ve mentioned before. I don ‘t think I’ve ever had as much trouble with another pattern. I will get it finished — someday!
For now though I’ve sat it aside, put another load of laundry in the wash and pulled out a book that I’ve had for a while but never use. The name is Farm Girl Vintage by Lori Holt. She has so many adorable patterns. The quilt blocks in this book are all traditionally pieced and are adorable. She gives the directions for a 6 inch & a 12 inch block for each design. In addition to the many blocks she has included 9 or 10 quilt designs in the book. Even if piece work is not your thing it’s still worth checking out because of the many colored pictures. Quilt eye candy!
I’d like to make at least one of each block but I decided to start with the 6 inch chicken block.
The measuring and cutting took the most time but that’s not unusual. The written directions are very detailed with step by step colored diagrams for each step. After the cutting it went together easily and much quicker than I thought it would. I think the little chick will be my next block to try.
Oh, the washer has stopped so thats all for now. I’ll post more pictures as I get more blocks made. I hope the rest of your day goes smoothly, is peaceful and full of creativity.
That’s all for now…..
sooooooo hugs and
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Oct, 06, 2018
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