My thoughts regarding celebrating EASTER…
Are some of the symbols used at Easter pagan in origin? Of course, and most people, Christian or not, know that because year after year it has been discussed and even argued about both in churches and out of churches.
Should a Christian take part in the “celebration” of such a holiday? Well, if it defiles your conscience then by all means abstain, but for me:
In a world where my Bible and my God are openly mocked, where ordinances and laws are being passed that outlaw Christian beliefs and practices, where the martyrdom of Christians is on the rise and soul after soul is slipping away into hell in record number, I will take “any” opportunity to share the gospel with others.
If that means I color hard boiled eggs, and give away chocolate bunnies tucked in little baskets I will do that gladly.
I don’t care what you choose to call it: Easter, Funny bunny day, or Resurrection Sunday, I won’t take offense. Instead of being offended, for God’s glory, I will use what Satan has set in place to draw people away from Christ and cause division within the church to share God’s mercy, grace and salvation message without apology.
So peel those pastel colored eggs and eat that chocolate bunny before it melts while I share the greatest story every told. The death, burial and resurrection of my Lord and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!
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Mar, 31, 2018
Well I am sure it was not me. I believe in God the father almighty. I believe in the Easter Bunny. I didn’t do a food basket Just one with plastic eggs. I didn’t go out to buy all the things I usually put in my basket. People will always be people that’s why I remain who I am believing in what I want. I don’t listen anymore. What u want to do in your life(that means any one) is ok just leave me to what I believe.
No it was not you. ?