

National Stress Awareness Month FUN

Because it’s National Stress Awareness Month I told you we’d do something FUN to take your mind OFF your stress.  Well, here’s what we’re going to do.

I am going to post a picture showing just a snip-it (a cropped out and blown up portion) of one of my creations.  The snip-its will be taken out  of just one of the pictures already posted in one of my galleries (hint:  it  is NOT a greeting card).    I will post a new snip-it picture  every day for 7 days. Each day you can  post your guess here and on my facebook page for a total of 14 chances to win.  Even if you don’t guess correctly I will count your post just because you tried, so post your guess just for fun.  On the 8th day there will be a drawing of all those that posted and the winner will receive the “creation” that the snip-it pictures were taken from.

I hope this is clear but if not drop me a line and I’ll try to explain it better.

Snip-it Number One:

snip-it clue one.bmp Take a guess and post your answer….it’s just for fun and you might win  🙂


Now off to my sewing room for me.  I have LOTS of things to do today.

Happy sewing to everyone

Rhonda  🙂

2 Responses so far.

  1. Linda says:

    not good at guessing… but I wanted you to know I am here

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