

NRC Card class

In the card class I teach I try to come up with a few card ideas that center around the season.   Today, even though I’m not really a fan of Halloween,  we made Halloween themed cards. Normally I don’t post pictures of the cards we make but so many of my students (and I use that term loosely, VERY loosely, as most of them out create and design me) were out today so I decided I’d post  pictures of what they missed.   Also……for those of you that were out……I want you all to know you were missed and I can’t wait to see you next week!  Oh, fyi….we won’t be making Halloween cards next week…we’re moving on to a different theme…I hope to see you there.


cards made 10/10/17 at NRC card class

2 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Feehan says:

    I love your work!
    BTW.. I miss you.

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