Plant update 9-14-2020
Pictorial update on my little plants.
Largest and oldest avocado plant. The only one so far in soil.
Second largest/oldest avocado plant. Soon to be in soil.
Baby number 1 doing well.
Baby number 2. It’s difficult to see so I did a closeup. It shows the growth is right at the top of the opening. It should peek out even better by next week.
baby #3 doing okay
Baby #4. Not doing as well as the others (remember it’s root broke off early on) but I think with a little TLC it will be okay. Brave little thing is hanging in there.
2 views of the tiny tot tomato plants
and last the romaine lettuce plants. I have to thin these out soon. I can tell they are not getting enough sun from the window so I’ll have to use the lamp on them.
All the outdoor plants died thanks to the feral cats. I won’t try again until I have the funds to build a barrier. I had netting over them but the cats just walked on the netting and then napped on the plants. So frustrating.
Time to get supper started so until next time…………..
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Sep, 14, 2020
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