

Quilting/Sewing Retreat-Share your thoughts


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Most retreats are too far away and they seem  rather large and a bit intimitating for me so I have to assume there are others that feel the same way.  Because of this I find myself thinking about  hosting  smaller  quilting or sewing retreats here locally.


The first ones would be  day long retreats but I’d like to  eventually move to a 2 day/one night retreat. I’ve been researching and collecting ideas for a while but always come back to the WHERE question. The one day retreat plan is not  that difficult but staying overnight does create special needs. For an overnight retreat I’d like to hold it during the summer in a place that we can have a pool side meal with swimming for the normal needed break from sewing. I haven’t worked out the details but like I said I’ve been researching it.


There are many possibilities:

A “learn a skill” retreat,

A “learn a  quilt block” 

A “make a quilted wall hanging” 

A “holiday” sewing/quilted project

A “make one to donate” project

A “Bring your own project”   and   spend time with people who love to talk shop and hear the hum of sewing machines

and MANY more.



My next step in the research is to get YOUR OPINIONS. There are so many possibilities. 

First, are you even  interested?  

Then, if you are, what would you like it to be in regards to the length, the type etc.  PLEASE –  let me know your ideas and thoughts on the matter!






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