

Silent lately

Hi everyone.dental


I’ve been a bit silent lately because I had major dental work done last Wednesday and I’m still healing.  Actually the pain is much better than the pain I had prior to the work, It’s just that now I am very swollen and can’t talk  well. I gag easily and have a lisp.  Eating isn’t easy either but I couldn’t eat much prior to all the work anyway. I’m grateful for being were I am in all this and know that the issues I’m dealing with now will pass soon. You’d think, with all the mouth issues I’ve had I would have lost weight but eating soft food is not low calorie-so that didn’t happen. 


Even with the dental work I have tried to keep my HANDZ BIZZY…here are pictures of some of the things I’ve done.

An apron.


Cards (but didn’t get pictures of most of them).0614161121a 0614161121b 0614161121cA baby quilt.0617161150a 0617161817 0617161817aAnother baby quilt started.

06171618190618161759 There’s more but I don’t always remember to take pictures.  I am getting better about that though. 🙂



Something else about the dental work…

Being this far is a miracle because the work I had done was very expensive and I don’t have insurance.  The Lord provided everything I needed and more.  Every day I am amazed at how blessed I am and how the Lord takes care of my every need. 

I am truly


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