Simple pleasures & A New Project
I know that my little plants may not be interesting to anyone else but I am enjoying watching and recording their growth. It’s a small and simple source of pleasure.
Todays picture showing the growth of the first avocado seed I started at the end of June.
Picture showing the growth of the second seed that I started a week later.
The babies are doing well also. Even baby #4,
The one that lost it’s root, is still alive and trying.
The 2 tiny tot tomato plants are doing well.
and last but not least are the romaine lettuce plants. There are new seedlings showing every day. I’ll have to thin them out later.
For the rest of today I am going to work on a new original project. Once I work out the design bugs and the first prototype is completed I will post a picture. I’m excited to get started.
Until later…………………
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Sep, 07, 2020
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