


For those who know me — you know that I don’t have simple “asthma” per say it’s just easier to say asthma than to explain that I am hyper sensitive to many,  many things.  While looking for “help” on this issue I ran across an article and I found the symptoms list in it interesting – helps me to know I’m NOT crazy and that the illness I have is real (though so many people try to make me feel  like and treat me like I am).


FROM THE  website on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MC’S) and Environmental Illness (EI)

(I have underlined the symptoms I experience after an attack like the one I had yesterday)

[What are the symptoms of MCS/EI?

MCS/EI causes different symptoms in different people. Symptoms may include: headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, breathing difficulties, tightening of the throat, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, learning disorders, eczema, arthritis-like sensations, and muscle pain. A person who experiences limitations due to MCS/EI may have any of the above mentioned symptoms when exposed to such irritants as fragrances, cleaning agents, smoke, pesticides, molds, office machines, car exhaust, paint, new carpeting, solvents, and poor indoor air quality among other irritants]



      ~~~~>  I normally do okay but when people use room deodorizers, cleaning chemicals or wear heavy fragrances I have an attack.  The severity of the attack varies depending on what it is I’m exposed to and  the length of time I’m exposed.  It is the same with the time it takes for me to recover.  Oh, and I am so  very lucky :/ because I am also affected by dust and pollen lol     I’ve got to keep laughing and try to not let this get me down.  Any one with chronic pain or any ongoing illness knows what I’m talking about.  You can’t just give up and laughter truly does help.<~~~~~



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