Tuesday news 10-23-2018
This morning was the card design class at the rec center. My students do not need a teacher. They are all so creative and make the most beautiful cards. We share ideas and enjoy being together. It’s a nice class. If you’ve never been there you should drop by and check it out.
As soon as the class was over I went to pick up medication refills. After standing in a long line I found out they didn’t have it in stock so I get to return tomorrow. I stopped at the bank while I was out then came home and did a few “have to” chores. Finally, I was able to settle in to do a little “sewing”.
Just a couple of hours and one more block finished!
I’ve enjoyed working on this quilt so much but this block will be the last one for a while because, thankfully, I just received 2 new orders that I will start on tomorrow. YAY!!!! I don’t mind putting away the things I do for pleasure to work on orders anytime.
Just a reminder…..Christmas will be here very soon and if you plan on ordering anything, please, do so right away. Waiting until the last minute makes it difficult, and sometimes impossible, for me to get your order completed on time.
Right now though sewing is done for the night. I’m going to go play my ukulele for a while because I have the ukulele group in the morning and I need the practice.
Sooooooo have a great evening, sweet dreams and until next time
big hugs and…
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Oct, 23, 2018
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