

Update and just rambling

The past week ISH ……I have been very  busy prepping for many upcoming classes, working my normal work schedule, attending interviews/meetings, spending time with my sons,  dealing with a bug that decided to move in for a while creating an overall yuck feeling, a cough, sinus headache, joint pains, and the desire and need to sleep – sleep – sleep.  Other than the bug I love it all as I enjoy being busy and I very much like  what the Lord has allowed me to be busy doing at this time in my life.  Add to this having a missionary and his wife visiting/preaching/teaching at the church I attend puts heaps of delicious icing on an already sweet cake that is my life right now.

I am so blessed and look forward to what my Saviour has planned for me next.

Now………..off to work and another day before me






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